The parts of this graduation design isthe parts of the car parts in the left rear guide arm, the overall size of the parts is not consistent. According to the structure of the parts, the design of special casting system is decided by the squeeze casting technology, and the two parts are produced simultaneously.The filling and solidification process of the casting system were simulated by AnyCasting software, and it can help to analyze the defects of the casting process, optimize the structure of the casting system was, and optimize the process parameters.
The mold has an inclined core,due to the inclined core-pulling distance and high core pulling force, hydraulic pressure side core-pulling mechanism is adopted,so as to ensure the twoinclined core action at the same timeand to improve production efficiency.Because of the casting surface is the circular arc surface, and has a certain appearance requirements, the push rod pushing mechanism designed, the launch position are arranged in the flow channelin order to avoid the influence on the roughness.
Based on UG modeling software,the entity modeling of mold parts designed and assemble according to certain assembly relationships. Then make opening and closing movement and explosion diagram simulation to verify the rationality of the mold structure. So as to shorten the squeeze casting product development time, reduce production costs, improve productquality, and eventually improve the market competitiveness of the product.
Key Words: Squeeze casting;Left rear guide arm; The filling and solidification simulation; Animation simulation
零件是左后导向臂,总体来看结构并不复杂,主要特点在于有一个斜向的抽芯以及上下面的凹槽结构。产品材料用2A70,材料的性能要求:抗拉强度≥355 MPa,伸长率≥12%。锻件表面不允许存在肉眼可见的裂纹、分层、折叠和锻造引起的机械损伤等;非加工表面上不允许有粗糙的暗斑和白斑存在,但允许有氧化色存在。根据零件的尺寸大小采用立式挤压铸造机一模两件生产。零件尺寸:两个通孔均为Φ12,总长度431.5mm,厚度41.5mm。

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1 挤压铸造及其特点 1
1.2 挤压铸造工艺的发展 2
1.3 挤压铸造设备的发展 2
1.4课题研究目的意义及内容 3
1.4.1 课题研究目的意义 3
1.4.2 课题研究主要内容 3
第2章成型方案确定 4
2.1 铸件结构分析 4
2.2 挤压铸造工艺参数的选择 4
2.2.1 充型速度 4
2.2.2 浇注温度 5
2.2.3 模具预热温度 5
2.3 分型面的选择 6
2.4 型芯型腔排布方式确定 7
2.5 浇注系统的选择 7
2.6 排溢系统的设计 7
第3章液锻机的选择 8
3.1 液锻机的分类 8
3.2 最大注射量确定 9
3.3 压铸机的选择 9
3.4 锁模力校核 9
第4章基于AnyCasting 软件的数值模拟过程 11
4.1 AnyCasting 简介 11
4.2 三维实体建模 11
4.3 前处理过程 12
4.4 模拟运算过程 16
4.5 后处理过程 17
4.6 模拟结果分析 18
第5章模具结构设计 19
5.1 侧向抽芯机构的设计 19
5.1.1 侧向抽芯机构的分类 19
5.1.2 抽芯力的计算 19
5.1.3 抽芯距确定 20
5.2 推出机构的设计 20
5.2.1 推出机构的分类及选择 20
5.2.2 推出部位的选择 21
5.3 模架的确定 22
5.3.1 模具各部分尺寸确定 22
5.3.2 模架各尺寸校核 22
5.4 模具结构及工作原理 22
5.4.1 模具结构 22
5.4.2 模具工作原理 23
5.5 模具报价分析 25
第6章基于3D MAX软件的模具动画仿真 26
总结 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30