摘 要
The graduation design topic is: working light the front coverof plastics injection mould. This design is mainly through to the plastic parts of shape, size and precision of the requirements to the njection molding process of feasibility analysis. Plastic parts forming technology of plastic parts mainly includes the wall thickness, Angle and rounded and whether any core-pulling mechanism. Through the above analysis to determine the parting surface mold cavity, the gate number, form, position size; One of the most important is sure cores and mold structure, such as the is adopt and or set spelling type, as well as their orientation and solid tight way. In addition, it also analyzes the stress die, the design of the demoulding mechanism, molmerged steering mechanism design, the design of the cooling system. Finally draw complete the mold assembly layout and the main mould drawing.
Key words: parting line,the gate, slide block, heel block, core-pulling, core-pulling distance, gate.
结构分析 从零件图分析,该零件总体结构为壳状,从塑件厚来看,总的来讲塑件壁厚变化比较均匀,有利于零件成型。
塑件壁厚分析 塑件壁厚的设计与塑件原料的性能、塑件结构、成型条件、塑件的质量及其使用要求都有密切的联系。壁厚过小,会造成充填阻力增大,特别对于大型件、复杂制件将难于成型。塑件的厚度的最小尺寸应满足以下要求:满足塑件结构和使用性能要求下取小壁厚 能承受推出机构等的冲击和振动 制品连接紧固处、嵌件埋入处等具有足够的厚度 保证贮存、搬运过程中强度所需的壁厚 满足成型时熔体充模所需的壁厚。塑料制件规定有最小壁厚值,下表为热塑性塑件最小壁厚及常用壁厚推荐值。

绪论 2
1 塑料制件的分析 3
1.1 成型塑料件的工艺性分析 3
1.2 成型塑件的材料分析 6
1.3塑件成型的基本过程 7
2 注塑设备的选择 9
2.1估算塑件体积质量 9
2.2 注塑机的选择 9
3.成型零件有关尺寸的计算 11
4. 浇注系统的设计 16
4.1浇口套的选用 16
4.2冷料井的设计 17
4.3分流道的设计 17
4.4分流道的布置 18
4.5浇口设计 19
4.6浇口位置的选择 20
5 合模脱模机构设计与侧向分芯机构设计 21
5.1合模结构的设计 23
5.2脱模结构的设计 23
5.3侧向分型和抽芯机构的设计 24
6排气系统和温度调节系统的设计 26
6.1排气系统 26
6.2温度调节系统的设计 27
7注射机的校核 30
7.1 注射量的校核 30
7.2 锁模力的校核 30
7.2 注射机安装模具部分的尺寸校核 31
8模具制造 38
9模具安装试模 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43