根据给出的角接支座尺寸模型完成其冲压工艺与模具设计是本次毕业设计主要任务。经过各种方案的比照,此次设计拟定使用连续模结构,在模具中安排冲孔、翻边、弯曲、落料等工位。此次毕业设计经过具体的零件分析和精度要求进行冲压工艺分析,提出合理的冲压工艺方案。从工艺可行性这个角度思考分析,画出零件展开图,计算毛胚尺寸以及设计了排样图。结合工艺计算结果,对凸、凹模和凸模固定板等模具主要零部件进行具体设计,以及角接支座的连续模设计。设计模具总体结构时,应该考虑包括上下模座、垫板、导柱导套、固定板、卸料板、卸料板弹钉等各个零部件的设计与选用。学习并使用Auto CAD2007软件绘制此次角接支座连续模模具的装配图和零件图。
With the development of the times and the progress of industry, cold stamping technology has also been rapid development. Today, the countries have been used and has been used for the production of stamping processes are precision stamping, soft mold molding, moldless forming, efficient precision stamping technology, explosion and electromagnetic high-energy forming, superplastic forming and cold extrusion technology.This batch of advanced technology in the practice of production has been obtained and will continue to create more economic benefits. Stamping products in this era of daily life and industrial development and other places have been fully applied, the machinery industry is more prominent. Most of the mechanical shell is made of stamping, in order to improve product performance, the need for high-quality stamping die, molding process, stamping performance and stamping products such as design conditions. The starting point of this graduation design is based on the extensive application of stamping.
According to the given angle bearing model to complete the stamping process and mold design is the main task of this graduation design. After a variety of programs, the design of the use of continuous mold structure, in the mold design punching, flanging, bending, blanking and other stations. The graduation design through the specific parts analysis and precision requirements for stamping process analysis, put forward a reasonable stamping process program. According to the feasibility analysis of the process, draw the parts to expand the map, design the layout. Combined with the calculation results of the process, the convex, die and punch fixed plate and other mold parts of the specific design, as well as the corner of the continuous design of the bearing. The design of the overall structure of the mold, including the upper and lower mold base, guide column guide sleeve, plate, fixed plate, the material board, the discharge plate, the discharge plate and so on the design and selection. Learn and use Auto CAD2007 software to draw the assembly of the cradle bearing die and assembly drawings.
Key wards: progressive die; blank; pierce; bend
2.2 零件工艺分析

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的意义与目的 1
1.3 研究现状 1
1.4 设计思路 2
第2章 角接支座的冲压工艺分析 3
2.1 零件的材料分析 3
2.2 零件工艺分析 3
2.3 毛坯的尺寸计算 4
2.4 排样设计 7
2.4.1 排样原则 7
2.4.2 搭边值的确定 7
2.4.3 载体设计 8
2.5 本章小结 10
第3章 角接支座连续模的工艺计算 11
3.1 压力的计算 11
3.1.1 冲裁力的计算 11
3.1.2 弯曲力的计算 13
3.1.3 翻边力的计算 13
3.2 压力中心计算 14
3.3 各主要零件尺寸的计算 14
3.3.1 凹模厚度 14
3.3.2 凸模固定板的选用与厚度 17
3.3.3 垫板的选用与厚度 17
3.3.4 卸料零件的计算 19
3.4 冲裁间隙的确定 19
3.5 冲孔刃口尺寸计算 21
3.6 落料刃口尺寸计算 22
3.7 冲裁刃口高度 23
3.8弯曲部分刃口尺寸的计算 23
3.9弯曲部分工作尺寸的计算 24
3.10 翻边凸、凹模尺寸计算 25
3.11 本章小结 26
第4章 连续模的总体结构以及零部件设计与选用 27
4.1 模具主要零部件的设计 27
4.1.1 冲裁凸、凹模的设计 27
4.1.2 卸料板的设计 29
4.1.3其他零部件的设计 29
4.2 模架的设计 29
4.3冲床选用 30
4.3.1 冲压设备的选择依据 30
4.3.1 压力机的选择 30
4.4模具的总体结构设计 30
4.5模具的总体结构设计 32
总结 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35