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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315560 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315560

摘 要

Plastic mold design and manufacturing
This design introduces the basic concept of the principle of injection molding, put forward the basic design principle and systematic analysis of data, the main content of the design including: process analysis and mold base size, finished parts, the choice of injection molding machine, molding parts design, cooling systems, launch systems, strength check calculation, all aspects of the analysis and design.
Plastics and its qualitative light, high specific strength, corrosion resistance, high efficiency, low energy consumption, in machinery manufacturing, construction and other departments of some areas, could be used to replace metal and wood; In electronics, electrical appliances and other departments, plastic has become one of necessary materials; Plastic products are widely used in agricultural production and people's life; In terms of packaging, can say today's not plastic, almost no modern packaging industry.
Should be according to the characteristics of the plastic molding parts, the design, the structure of the plastic parts, and use requirements, determine the overall distribution of cavity, choose the parting surface, determine the demoulding way, design pouring system, overflowing system, etc., and then according to the requirement of the machining process and assembly process for the structural design of molding parts, calculating the forming parts work, the key of forming parts strength and rigidity.

Key Words: Injection molding machine  Molding parts  Die set


目  录
前言    I
摘要    II
第一章 产品说明及分析    1
1.1产品说明    1
    1.2塑件的特性及工艺分析    1
1.3塑件的结构工艺    3
第二章  根据初步设计方案选择注塑机    5
2.1注塑机的初步选定    5
2.2根据塑件的形状估算其体积和质量    5
2.3注塑机的相关参数    6
第三章   分型面及分型口浇注系统的设计    7
3.1分型面的选择    7
3.2浇注系统的设计    8
3.3主流道的设计    9
3.4分流到的设计    11
3.5排气口的设计    12
3.6型芯腔的结构设计    12
第四章  成型零件模具的设计方案及设计计算    13
4.1成型零件的结构设计    13
4.1.1成型零件的尺寸    13
4.2推出机构的设计    14
4.3冷却系统的设计    15
4.4型腔的布局    15
4.5温度调节系统的设计    16
4.6模具型腔壁厚的确定    16
4.7导向定位机构的确定    16
4.8标准模架的确定    17
第五章  校核计算    18
5.1模具厚度与注塑机高度校核    18
5.1.1安装尺寸    18
    5.1.2开模具行程的校核    18
5.2推出机构的校核    18
5.3锁模力度的校核    19
第六章  模具的装配及维护    20
6.1模具的装配    20
6.2模具的维护    21
第七章  型腔布局图    22
第八章  装配图    26
