关键词:分型面 成型 凸模 凹模 分型面
The machine of CD the shape of the cover than for complicacy, so want in the molding tool design the factor of the consideration have a lot of, a mold, cent type that divided by the consideration it, still need the consideration quantity that it model, surface clean an etc..More important consideration it of manufacturing difficulty with cost.So our design should analyze the construction that plastics product hard, design project looking for best. This time design most aims at the construction of the molding tool proceeded the design, because CD cover center contain a card dish, flank contain card door, so it must have the side take out organization, because of adopting a mold two space , so side take out construction I use two inclined lead the pillar guarantee, using inclined lead the pillar arouse the inclined slippery a sport, equiping the inclined slippery a smooth cent for, from but guaranteeing molding tool mold in fixed position with the fixed position.The choice of the cent type is too very important, a shape for is not straight and even surface, the piece of system is very irregular, the choice of the cent type since consider to do not affect a superficial beauty, attain the construction request again.Because producting the physical volume bigger, so sprinkle the design that note the system too very important, here a design inside I choose a side sprinkles, and establish the cold anticipating the cave.Pull to anticipate the pole adoption pour the form of Inclined, this resolved the problem of the ware a mold.
Key words: Cent type Model Convex mold Cave mold Cent type

目 录 10000字
前 言………………………………………………………………1
第1章 塑件工艺分析……………………………………………2
第 1.1 节 塑件分析…………………………………………………2
第1.2节 CD盒原料 工艺参数……………………………………… 2
第2章 注塑设备选择 ……………………………………………5
第2.1节 估算塑件体积…………………………………………… 5
第2.2节 选择注射机……………………………………………… 5
第3章 浇注系统的设计………………………………………… 7
第3.1节 主流道设计……………………………………………… 7
第3.2节 分流道设计……………………………………………… 7
第3.3节 冷料井设计……………………………………………… 7
第4章 成型零件的设计与计算…………………………………10
第4.1节 型腔的径向尺寸与深度…………………………………10
第4.2节 型芯的径向尺寸与深度…………………………………10
第4.3节 模具型腔侧壁和底板厚度的计算………………………11
第5章 合模导向机构设计………………………………………12
第5.1节 导向与定位机构设计……………………………………12
第6章 脱模机构设计……………………………………………14
第6.1节 脱模机构设计……………………………………………14
第7章 注塑机参数校核…………………………………………16
第7.1节 最大注塑压力校核………………………………………16
第7.2节 最大注塑量校核…………………………………………16
第7.3节 锁模力校核………………………………………………16
第7.4节 模具与注射机安装相关部分尺寸校核…………………16
第8章 温度调节系统的设计……………………………………18
第8.1节 模具冷却系统的设计……………………………………18
第8.2节 模具加热系统的设计……………………………………19
第9章 模具的装配………………………………………………20
第9.1节 模具的装配程序…………………………………………20
第9.2节 模具零件的装配工艺……………………………………21
第10章 注塑机与模具的关系……………………………………22
第10.1节 注塑机与模具的关系……………………………………22
致 谢………………………………………………………………29