摘 要:本设计通过对小型计算器外壳工艺的正确分析,设计了一副一模两腔的塑料模具。在本套模具设计过程中详细地叙述了模具成型零件包括定模板、模仁、动模板、镶块、导杆、斜推杆、滑块等的设计过程,重要零件的工艺参数的选择与计算,及推出机构、浇注系统以及侧向分型、抽芯机构的设计过程,利用当今业界广泛应用的绘图软件pro/E、AutoCAD分析了各方案可行性,并绘出了整套模具,并对成型零件进行了计算。分析并选择了各个成型零件的材料,对其刚度,强度进行了校核,并对试模与产品缺陷作了介绍,最后进行了对模具工艺性与经济性分析。
Design of Small Calculators Shell Injection Mold
Abstract: The design is aim to accurately analyse the Shell craft of small calculator ,and designs mold two cavity plastic molds. (In this set of mold design process)make a clear introduction about the mold to take shape in detail the components after to decide the template, the mold kernel, moves the template, inlays the block, the guide rod, the oblique putter, the slide and so on the design process,selection of the important components craft parameter,and promoted the organization, pours systematic as well as the lateral minute pulls out the core organization the design process, make use of field widespread application cartography software in the field like pro/E, AutoCAD to analyzed various plans feasibility,drew the entire wrap mold, and to took shape the components to carry on the computation ,analysis and chooses has taken shape one by one the components material, the intensity has carried on the examination, and has made the introduction to the experimental mold and the product flaw, finally has carried on to mold technology capability and efficient analysis.
Keywords:plastic;injection mould;petal mold modules;excessive casements
