来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1633497 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1633497
关键词:注塑模 CAD/CAM Mastercam
The Design Of The Mouse-up-CAD/CAM
Abstract:Now the plastics industry is one of the growing quickest industry classes in the world, but the injection mold is develops the quick type. Therefore, There have biggist significance to research injection mold to understood that the plastic of production process and improve the product quality.A comprehensive survey of modern manufacturing technology indicated, that the digitized manufacturing is the key technique of advanced manufacturing technology.Our country is becoming a big factory.
Based on Mastercam,the author present the method for Mastercam to achieve mould CAD/CAM, and take the mouse-up as an example, describe the process of UG mould CAD/C AM in detail.The authors complete the NC manufacturing of mold’s core in Mastercam software.This design introduced the cold flow channel injection evil spirit mold pours the system, the temperature control system and goes against the system the design process, the analyzing of the structure and crafts of the mouse-up shells, deciding the way of the injecting and doing certain calculation relating to the injecting-mold. The using of CAD/CAM technology in mold industry decreases the time of mold-making with the result of increasing economies efficiency and ultimately exchanging the mode of traditional model-making.
The application procedure of CAM in the mouse-up injection mold NC manufacturing is introduced in the paper.The procedure includes surface modeling, manufacture path selection, tool path calculating.An analyses of the characteristic of NC program and the dispose of technics about the mouse-up-mold is made. The article mainly introduce the friction、capacity and term of Mastercam and manufacturing types and technics of Mastercam, has stress on the integration of the core of the mouse-up-mould,and realize its emulation.
Key word:Injection Mould CAD/CAM Mastercam
1) 熟悉注射模的一般流程;
2) 对一般塑件能设计出其模具;
3) 掌握注射模具的模具的结构特点及设计计算方法;
4) 利用计算机编制相应的工程计算、分析和优化的程序;
1. 根据鼠标外壳的使用性能设计其外壳及尺寸;
2. 设计鼠标外壳的注射模,完成模具装配图一张,零件图一张,型芯、型腔的零件图各一张,动定模板、动定模座板各一张。
3. 翻译一篇与机械相关的英文资料;
4. 编写设计说明书。
