来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1633515 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1633515
本文是关于控制柜旋钮的模具设计。本模具设计的特点是采用了侧向延时抽芯机构、整体式侧向型芯和凹模以及镶拼组合式型腔。文章主要介绍了模具结构设计,内容包括塑料模具的工作原理及应用,设计准则以及产品的简介。塑料注射模的设计计算,包括模具结构设计,注射机的选用,浇注系统设计等方面。设计时通过 Pro/ENGINEER的应用使模型更直观化,而AutoCAD的使用也使制图更加便捷。
trol of injection mold design cabinet knob
This article is about Control cabinet mold design. The mold design is characterized by the use of one lateral core-pulling and modular core and integral cavity.The article introduces the mold structure design,including the working theory and application of the plastic injection mold,the design princible ,and the introducing of the production.The design calculation of the plastic mold is including the design of the structure of the mold,the selecting of the plastic injection mold machine,and the pour system design etc. Designed by Pro / ENGINEER application of the model is more intuitive, while the use of AutoCAD also drawing more convenient.
Key Words:
Auto CAD,Plastic,Plastic injection mold,Plastic injection mold machine.
