摘 要:线夹一模三件冲裁模是一套倒复合模,它包括落料、冲孔、弯曲、切断四道工序。通过对冲裁机理及冲件工艺性的分析,设计出了结构合理、经济实用的模具;在制作过程中,保证加工零、部件的尺寸精度和表面质量,提高各零件间的位置对正关系,避免错位,调整好落料、冲孔的间隙,使得间隙值合理化,最终保证工件试冲后满足零件图所规定的精度要求。
Design of Wire Clip Three Cavties Progressive and Gang Die
Abstract: Wire clip three cavties progressive and gangdie is that one set gets the complex die, It including blanking , washing holes , crooked three processes of inverting to link a piece of blanking die. Through wash pieces of analysis of craft to blanking mechanism , design structure reasonable , economical and practical die; In the course of making , Guarantee to process precision of size of the spare part and surface quality, improve position of every part adjust relation well , Is it misplace to avoid , adjust good blanking , wash interval of hole, make interval to be value rationalized , Guarantee work piece is it meet part precision demand picture stipulate after washing to try finally.
Key words:progressive die; stamping; design
4.1 模具类型的选择
4.2 定位方式的选择
4.3 卸料方式的选择
4.4 导向方式的选择
