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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638017 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638017

摘 要
关键词:复合模  冲孔  落料  成型模

The design of the blanking and punching, drawing composite modulus design. This paper briefly outlined the stamping sie current development status and trends. The product of a detailed analysis and the identification process.stamping die design in accordance with the general steps to calculate and design the sets on the main mold parts, such as : punch and die. Punch plate, plate, Die plate and dump plates . feet behind the sales, marketing and other derivative is. Die-standard model planes, to choose a suitable stamping equipment. Design work on the parts and              
specifications will press for the necessary checking calculation. In addition, the die block used only with marketing materials and Crook block behind the marketing materials. Punch and Die blanking punch were different plate fixed to facilitate adjustment gap; Punch and Die blanking die is used overall fixed plate. Blanking punch contents is a derivative sales, and guarantee the workpiece and the shape of the holes in the relative position accurately, improve processing accuracy. So the structure is designed to ensure reliable operation of die stamping products and mass production requirements.
Keywords : Gang dies    Pierce    Blanking   Forming die.


摘 要    I
Abstract    II
1零件的工艺分析    1
1.1 公差    1
1.2 结构    1
1.3 材料    1
2 确定工艺方案    2
3 工艺设计与计算    3
3.1送料步距    3
3.2 条料宽度    3
3.3 材料利用率    3
3.4排样图    3
3.5 各工序凸、凹模刃口尺寸、冲裁力的计算及结构的设计    4
3.5.1冲孔    4
3.5.2落料刃口尺寸的计算    4
3.6各部分工艺计算    5
3.6.1冲裁力的计算    5
3.6.2 卸料力的计算    5
3.6.3顶件力的计算    5
3.6.4模具总压力的确定    5
3.7模具压力中心的确定    5
3.8 计算各主要零件的尺寸    6
3.8.1 凹模厚度    6
3.8.2 凸模固定板厚度    6
3.8.3卸料装置的采用与厚度    6
3.8.4 导料销的设计    7
3.8.5 挡料销的设计    7
3.9 模具总体设计    7
4 选定设备    9
致 谢    11
