摘 要
Plastics industry is one of the world's fastest growing industry categories, and the injection mold is one of the types of rapid development, and therefore the study of plastic injection molds for understanding the production process and improve the quality of products have great significance.
The purpose of this design is to design a plastic injection mold, the mold is used to produce a quarter of an optical parts casing. in the beginning , a QV4 introduced of the working principle of optical devices, optical devices and a quarter more than the shell is assembled from pieces of plastic injection, so this is designed to focus on the design of injection mold, the mold can be injected by the Shell a plastic parts. There are a number of plastic parts of the side hole, so it is necessary to draw a number of side cores, which is difficult in part.
In the beginning of design, plastic parts of the size analysis, the initial choice of injection molding machine and mold, and then die carrier in accordance with the beginning of the selected painting assembly diagram, and gradually add in the necessary map components, this process needs to be calculated and determine the size, also may have to repeatedly modify. I changed the design of two sets of injection mold machines and three before the election with a more reasonable form. To map the basic assembly is complete, I began to use PRO / E painting various parts diagram, in the process may be found prior to setting the size of some irrational and therefore will be to calculate the anti-back size, but also check roundness standards.
Through the design, I known an initial of the injection mold, the design notes that some of the details to understand the structure and working principle of mold. Through the PRO / E Learning, I can draw some of the entity complex parts, I can fix then to a three-dimensional assembly.
Key words: injection mold; surface; injection machine; plastic products; Splitter

1 绪 论 - 7 -
1.1 引言 - 7 -
1.2 四分光器的原理 - 8 -
2设计任务 - 10 -
3塑件的工艺性分析及材料选择 - 11 -
3.1塑件结构工艺分析 - 11 -
3.1.1结构分析 - 11 -
3.1.2工艺分析 - 11 -
3.2材料的选择 - 12 -
3.2.1 ABS性能分析 - 12 -
3.2.2 ABS的注射成型工艺参数 - 13 -
3.2.3 ABS主要技术指标: - 13 -
4模具结构形式的拟定 - 14 -
4.1 确定开腔数量及排列方式 - 14 -
4.2 模具结构形式的确定 - 14 -
4.2.1 分型面的选择 - 14 -
4.2.2 浇注系统形式的初步选择 - 15 -
4.2.2 模架的初步选择 - 16 -
5 注射机型号的确定 - 16 -
5.1选择注塑机 - 16 -
5.1.1 塑件的有关计算 - 16 -
5.1.2 选择注射机 - 16 -
5.2注射机的校核 - 17 -
5.2.1 最大注塑量的校核 - 17 -
5.2.2 锁模力的校核 - 18 -
5.2.3 模具与注射机安装部分的校核 - 18 -
6 浇注系统的形式和浇口的设计 - 19 -
6.1 主流道设计 - 19 -
6.1.1 主流道的尺寸 - 19 -
6.1.2 浇口套的设计 - 20 -
6.2 冷料井的设计 - 21 -
6.3 浇口设计 - 21 -
(1) 侧浇口深度尺寸H的确定 - 22 -
(2) 侧浇口宽度尺寸W的确定 - 22 -
7 模架的确定 - 23 -
7.1型腔壁厚 - 23 -
7.2模板厚度 - 23 -
7.2.1 定模座板 - 23 -
7.2.2 型芯固定板 - 23 -
7.2.3 动模板 - 24 -
7.2.4 型芯固定板 - 24 -
7.2.5 支承板 - 24 -
7.2.6 垫块 - 24 -
7.2.7 推杆固定板 - 25 -
7.2.8 推板 - 25 -
7.2.9 动模座板 - 25 -
8 合模导向机构的设计 - 25 -
8.1机构的功用 - 25 -
8.2导向结构的总体设计 - 26 -
8.2.1 设计导柱和导套需要注意的事项有: - 26 -
8.2.2导柱的设计 - 26 -
8.2.3导套的设计 - 27 -
8.2.4导柱与导套的配合形式 - 27 -
9脱模顶出机构的设计 - 28 -
9.1脱模机构的设计一般遵循以下原则: - 28 -
9.2脱模阻力计算 - 28 -
10侧向抽芯机构的设计 - 29 -
10.1 滑块侧向抽芯机构的设计 - 29 -
10.1.1机构的整体设计 - 29 -
10.1.2侧型芯具体尺寸的确定 - 30 -
10.1.3侧抽芯的导滑形式 - 30 -
10.1.4定距圆头销 - 30 -
10.2转盘侧抽芯机构的设计 - 30 -
10.2.1 机构的整体设计 - 30 -
10.2.2侧型芯的设计 - 31 -
11成形零件的设计 - 31 -
11.1凹模的设计 - 31 -
11.1.1凹模的结构形式 - 31 -
11.1.2凹模尺寸的计算 - 31 -
11.2凸模的设计 - 32 -
11.2.1凸模模的结构形式 - 32 -
11.2.2凸模径向尺寸的计算 - 33 -
12排气设计 - 33 -
13水道的设计 - 34 -
13.1温度调节对塑件质量的影响 - 34 -
13.2对温度调节系统的要求 - 35 -
致 谢 - 37 -