来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634554 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634554
摘 要:补硒可成为人们预防肝癌、防治肝病的有效措施。本实验利用香菇为材料,人为在一级菌种、二级菌种和三级菌种的培养基中加入适量无机硒,经过生物转化作用与自身相结合形成硒蛋白,并且与普通不加硒的菌种发菌情况和产量相比较。结果显示,一级菌种受抑制强;二级菌种受抑制较强;三级菌种菌丝生长和出菇产量无明显影响。
The Affection of the Growth of Mushroom after Adding Selenium
Abstract: Selenium supplement could become effective measures that preventing liver cancer and controlling liver disease. In this experiment, mashroom had been used as material adding selenium in medium of one level of strains, two levels of strains and three levels of strains, had become selenoprotein by biotransformation and combining with their own. Compaired to common species, the result showed that one level of strains had a strong inhibition, two levels of strains had a relatively strong inhibition, three levels of strains had no effect on mashroom′s growth after adding selenium.
Key words: mashroom; rich in selenium; bag cultivation