来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634560 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634560
摘 要:通过配制不同种类不同渗透压的黑毛茶液体培养基,在不同的温度、pH条件下对已筛选三种真菌分别进行发酵实验。对发酵产物进行液相色谱检测,通过对发酵产物产量进行测定并绘制图表,从而确定三种真菌的最适渗透压为蔗糖含量为200g/L,发酵液最适pH值为7.0,最适培养温度为28℃。
Study on the Fermentation Condition of the Symbiotic Fungi in the Brick Tea
Abstract:Implementing the fermentation experiment of 3 kinds of fungi in Heimao tea liquid culture medium with different sorts osmotic pressure, and in the environment with vary temperature and pH.The high performance liquid chromatography of fermentation products was conducted, chart was mapped through collecting the data,the optimum cultivating condition for 3 kinds of fungi that osmosis contain sucrose 200g/L, pH 7.0 in fermentation broth and the 28℃ cultivating temperature were confirmed.
Keywords: Heimao tea culture medium; high performance liquid chromatography;optimum fermentation condition
2.1 材料
2.1.1 实验试剂

目 录 6600字
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1.前言 1
2.材料与方法 3
2.1 材料 4
2.1.1 实验试剂 4
2.1.2 主要仪器 4
2.2实验方法 4
2.2.1 黑毛茶液体培养基的制备 4
2.2.2 真菌的发酵 4
2.2.3 发酵产物含量的测定 4
2.2.4 发酵条件的优化 6
3.结果与分析 6
3.1冠突散囊菌发酵培养结果 6
3.2 不同渗透压下各发酵产物的含量 7
3.3不同pH对发酵产物的含量 8
3.4 不同发酵温度下发酵产物的含量 9
3.5最适发酵条件的确定 10
4.讨论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 11