摘 要:甘薯是我国主要粮食作物之一,含有多种保健功能成分,同时还富含人体所需的多种矿物元素如:Ca、K、Fe、Zn、Mg、Se等,特别是紫甘薯更是以富含硒而著称。本文用两个品种的普通薯类与紫甘薯为样品,以硝酸和高氯酸(3:1)在常压下消化,用原子吸收分光光度法测定钙、铁、锌的含量,用紫外分光光度法测定硒含量,同时探讨荧光光度法测定硒含量。研究表明紫甘薯中Ca、Fe、Zn、Se含量均高于普通薯,特别是紫甘薯中硒含量是普通甘薯的1.5倍左右。
Compare With Ca、Fe、Zn、Se Mineral Element Contents in Several Varieties of Sweet Potatoes
Abstract:Sweet potato is one of China’s major grain crops,contains a variery of functional compositions of health,but also rich in mineral elements needed by human body,such as:Ca,K,Fe,Zn,Mg,Se.Especially purple sweet potato contain rich in Se.In this paper,different samples of sweet potato, with HNO3 and HClO4(3:1) under atmospheric pressure digestion.Then determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry of Ca,Fe,Zn,determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry of Se.Also discussed the spectrofluorimetric method of determination of Se content.Purple sweet potato was found in Ca,Fe,Zn,Se were higher than nomal sweet potato.In particular,the seleniumcontent content in sweet potato purple normal sweet potato is about 1.5 times.
Key words:sweet potato;Mineral elements;atomic absorption spectrometry; Ultraviolet spectrophotometry
