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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635290 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635290

摘  要:针对陈村花卉苗木的出口情况进行全面的调查,并对个别出口花卉苗木的检疫要求进行了研究。通过对花卉世界中的皿井、良种等花卉苗木出口企业的出口花卉苗木进行数量检查和现场检疫,并对其出口的种类、数量、批次等资料进行整理和分析,发现从09年5月11日至9月11这四个月中,输往日本、韩国等国家的富贵竹和输往荷兰的介质盆景的数量较大。其中输往韩国、日本、美国这三个国家的富贵竹占总批次的45.6%以上,而输往荷兰的介质盆景就占到了总数的15.9%。由此可见富贵竹和介质盆景对陈村花卉苗木出口的影响关系重大。

Investigation of Flowers & Plant for Exports and its Quarantine Requirement in Chencun
Abstract: The basal data of flowers and plant for exporting in Chencun were conducted and the quarantine requirement for some flowers were studied from May to September in 2009. Though quantity inspected and quarantine to exports of plant and flowers that planted in Minjing, Liangzhong and others companies, them located in Chencun flowerworld, after analysis them variety, number and batch, find the number of lucky bamboo and the bonsai are the largest. From May 11 to September 11, there are more than 45.6 percent of lucky bamboo be transported to South Korea, Japan, U.S. and 15.9 percent of bonsai be transported to Holland. So the exports of lucky bamboo and bonsai have a great effect on the exports of plant and flowers in Chencun.     
Key words:Flowers for exports; Quarantine; Lucky bamboo; Bonsai; Chencun

目    录   9000字
摘  要    1
关键词    1
1  前言    2
2  材料与方法    5
2.1  调查材料    5
2.2  调查地点    5
2.3  调查时间    5
2.4  调查方法    5
3  结果与分析    6
3.1  各月基本数据统计与分析    6
3.2  出口国家和种类的分析    6
4  结论与讨论    7
4.1  出境富贵竹的监管与检疫    7
4.2  输欧盟介质盆景的监管与检疫    8
参考文献    10
致    谢    11
