来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636616 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636616
摘 要:利用914对引物(848对SSR引物和66对SFP引物),对粳型广谱持久抗瘟水稻品种魔王谷和籼型感病品种CO39的基因多态性进行研究。结果表明,877对引物(812对SSR和65对SFP引物)有扩增产物,扩增率为95.96%。共筛选到313对多态性引物,多态性检出率为34.25%。SSR标记的多态性检出率为34.73%,低于SFP标记的多态性检出率(47.69%)。不同染色体间的多态性检出率差异较大,第11染色体多态性检出率最高,为40.26%:第10染色体的多态性检出率最低,为21.67%。不同碱基数目基数基序的标记间多态性检出率有较大差异,其中2碱基重复序列的多态性检出率最高,为35.97%,其后依次为3碱基重复型、4碱基重复型和复合型。
Polymorphism analysis of different rice varieties with SSR and SFP marks
Abstract:914 marks (848 SSR and 66 SFP) were used to find the genomic polymorphism between the blast resistant rice variety Mowanggu and the blast susceptible variety CO39. The results showed that expected bands were amplified from 95.96% of 877 marks (812 SSR and 65 SFP), among which 313 polymorphic marks were identified with 34.25% polymorphism rate. The polymorphism rate of the SSR mark (34.73%) was lower than that of the SFP mark (47.69%).The rate of polymorphism marks on the 12 chromosomes was different . Chromosomes 11 had the highest rate (40.26%) and chromosome 10 had the lowest rate (21.67%).SSR marks with different units also showed a significant difference in polymorphism rate. The SSR marks with repetitive dinucleotide had the highest polymorphism rate (35.97%),followed by the repetitive trinucleotide, tetranucleotide repeats and compound repeats, respectively.
Key words:rice; SSR; SFP; rice blast resistance; polymorphism

目 录
1 前言 2
1.1 研究目的与意义 2
1.2 水稻抗瘟性及抗瘟基因分子标记研究进展 2
1.2.1水稻抗瘟性的种类和遗传特性 2
1.2.2水稻抗瘟基因的分子标记与定位 3分子标记技术研究概况 3分子标记的特点 3分子标记的种类 4常用分子标记技术的基本原理和特点 4植物抗病基因的定位 6
2 材料与方法 7
2.1 材 料 7
2.2 方 法 8
2.2.1 水稻叶片DNA 提取 8
2.2.2 SSR 分析方法 8
2.3 统计分析 9
3 结果与分析 9
3.1 供试引物在12 条染色体上的分布 10
3.2 多态性检出率的比较 10
3.3 多态性分子标记在图谱上的分布 11
3.4 不同类型SSR 标记多态性检出率比较 14
4 讨 论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 19