来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636613 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636613
摘 要:稻飞虱是一种远距离迁飞性水稻害虫,近30年来在湖南地区发生面积扩大,暴发频率增加,给湖南的水稻生产带来了严重危害,其特点是早稻偏轻,晚稻偏 重。本文通过2010年浏阳市北盛镇的农技虫情简报及其历史资料,基于昆虫学的理论与方法,对该地区的飞虱发生规律进行了研究,并通过目前主要的飞虱防治 技术,应用田间药效对比试验,探索杀虫剂对飞虱的防治作用并提出科学性的飞虱防治建议。由A、B、C、D、E五种处理结果显示: 50﹪噻嗪•毒死蜱EC在实践中最具推广价值,而当虫口基数不是很大时可以适当考虑使用10%哌虫啶。
关键词:水稻 飞虱 发生规律 防治技术
Studies on Occurrent Regularity and Control Planthopper of Beisheng Liuyang
Abstract:Rice planthopper is a remote migratory rise pest, which expanded in Hunan province in nearly 30 years.The frequency of outbreak has increased,bringing great harm to rice in Hunan . Its characteristics were light in early rice and serious in in late rice.Based on theories and methods of entomology, and conbined with agricultural technique pest briefing and historical information of Beisheng Town, LiuYang City in 2010, this paper has studied the occurrence regulation of planthopper over the region.Besides, through the present main prevention techniques , appling field efficacy contrast tests,exploring the effects of insecticides , scientific controlling countermeasures were put forward. A、B、C、D、E five kinds of processing results showed that 50% thiazine.chlorpyrifos EC have spreading value most in practice,while10% perospirone bug acetamiprid could take into account when population base was not very big.
Key words:Rice;planthopper;occurrence regulation;prevention techniques

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 稻飞虱种类和特点 2
1.1.1 灰飞虱 2
1.1.2 褐飞虱 3
1.1.3 白背飞虱 3
1.2 浏阳市北盛镇飞虱的发生 3
1.3 稻飞虱防治现状 4
1.3.1 农业防治 4
1.3.2 物理防治 4
1.3.3 生物防治 5
1.3.4 化学防治 5
2 试验材料与方法 5
2.1 试验材料 5
2.1.1 试验对象 5
2.1.2 环境及设施栽培条件 5
2.1.3 试验药剂 6
2.2 试验设计 6
2.2.1 试验处理 6
2.2.2 试验安排 6
2.2.3 施药方法 6
2.2.4 调查方法 6
2.2.5 记录试验期间的气象资料和对作物的直接影响 6
2.3 数据统计 7
3结果与分析 7
3.1五种处理结果 7
3.2四种处理的结果比较 8
4 小结与讨论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 13