来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636499 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636499
摘 要:本文对扶桑绵粉蚧的成虫及若虫部分行为学特性进行了初步观察。研究发现,各个龄期的虫态均具有群集习性。1至2龄若虫多聚集在寄主植物的幼嫩部位取食,3龄后开始向老叶及茎部位取食,尤其是多聚集在叶片背面叶脉上取食。若虫的孵化过程历时20-45min, 孵化率可达100%。扶桑绵粉蚧的雌成虫主营孤雌生殖,雄成虫一生只能行一次交配,雌成虫可多次交配, 雄成虫羽化1-2d后即可交配,交配时间约为2min。雄成虫飞行能力弱,具有趋光性和向上性。
Behaviors of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley
Abstract:This paper has summarized the behaviors of nymphs and adults of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley. The results indicated that the Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in all life stages all have clustered habits.1st and 2nd instar fed on the younger parts of host plants and form feeding clusters. 3rd instar began to feed old leaves and stems,especially around the vein of abaxial leaf. The hatching of the nymph lasted 20-45min,and the hatch rates could reach 100%.The reproduction of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley were mainly by parthenogenesis.The male adults could mate only once during its life,while the female ones could mate many times. The male adults could mate after one to two days of emergence.The mating lasted about 2 min.The male adults, possessing the characteristic of negative geotropism and phototaxis,were weak in flying.
Key words:Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley;feeding;nymphs’ behaviors;adults’ behaviors;male adult

目 录
1 前言 2
2 材料和方法 3
2. 1 供试材料 3
2. 2 仪器设备 3
2. 3 试验方法 3
2.3.1交配 3
2.3.2 产卵 4
2.3.3 孵化、蜕皮、羽化等行为的观察 4
2. 4 数据处理 4
3 结果分析 4
3.1 成虫的行为 4
3.1. 1 交配 4
3.1. 2 产卵 6
3.2 若虫的行为 7
3.2. 1 孵化 7
3.2. 2 蜕皮 8
3.2. 3 化蛹和羽化 8
3. 3 取食和排泄 10
3. 4 群集和转移 11
3.5 雄成虫的习性 12
4 讨论 12