来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636531 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636531
摘 要:目的:建立一种间接PCV1-Cap-ELISA方法,与已经建立的间接PCV2-Cap-ELISA方法检测被检血清,鉴别检测猪血清中PCV1的Cap抗体和PCV2的Cap抗体。应用以上诊断方法区分由PCV1和PCV2的感染,便于PCV2的研究。另外还可以对PCV1的感染进行真实有效的流行病学调查,为其病毒分子生物学研究提供技术手段。方法:用通过亲和纯化得到的PCV1-Cap蛋白作为包被抗原,建立检测PCV1的间接ELISA方法。最后通过条件优化,确定间接ELISA方法的最佳条件。结果:本试验确定了Cap1-ELISA方法的最佳抗原包被浓度为200ng/孔,最佳血清稀释倍数为50倍,血清最佳作用时间为60min,酶标二抗最佳作用时间为30min,初步建立起了特异性较好、重复性较高的Cap1-ELISA方法用于检测猪圆环病毒1型Cap蛋白抗体。
Development a indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies against Porcine circovirus type 1 Cap protein
Abstract: Aim: establish an indirect method of PCV1-Cap-ELISA, together with the already established direct method of PCV2-Cap-ELISA to detect the tested serum, and distinguish the Cap antibody both in PCV1 and PCV2 in pig’s serum. Employing the above mentioned detective method to differentiate the infections caused by PCV1 or PCV2, convenient to the research of PCV2. In addition, it can help the epidemiology investigation on the infections caused by PCV1 in a real and effective way, providing techniques for the research on viral molecules biology. Methods: It is to regard PCV1-Cap protein, which comes from affinity purification, as coating antigen. Using it sets up the methods of indirect ELISA. Then it is to define the best condition of the methods of indirect ELISA by condition optimization. Results: This experiment defines that the best concentration of antigen coating is 200ng per hole, the best multiple of serum dilution is 50, the best function time of serum is 60 minutes, and the best function time of HRP secondary antibody is 30 minutes about the methods of Cap1-ELISA. the methods of Cap1-ELISA being built preliminarily, which is better specificity and repeatability, is used to detection Cap - Antibody of PCV-1.
Key words: PCV1; Cap; indirect ELISA; establish

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 病原特征 2
1.2 诊断方法 3
1.3 间接ELISA建立条件 3
1.3.1 固相载体 3
1.3.2 结合物 4
1.3.3 酶的底物 5
1.3.5 结合物的稀释液 5
1.3.6 洗涤液 5
1.3.7 酶反应终止液 5
2 材料和方法 6
2.1 材料 6
2.1.1 包被蛋白、阴性和阳性血清 6
2.1.2 主要耗材与试剂 6
2.1.3 主要实验仪器 6
2.2 方法 6
2.2.1 间接ELISA方法的基本操作步骤 6
2.2.2 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法的建立及条件优化 6
2.2.3 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法阴阳性血清临界值的确定 7
2.2.4 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法的重复性实验 8
2.2.5 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法的特异性试验 8
2.2.6 保存期试验 8
3 结果与分析 8
3.1 重组蛋白抗原最适包被浓度和血清最适稀释倍数的确定 8
3.2 最佳血清作用时间的确定 9
3.3 最佳酶标二抗作用时间的确定 9
3.4 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法阴阳性血清临界值的确定 10
3.5 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法的重复性试验 10
3.5.1 批内重复试验结果 10
3.5.2 批间重复试验结果 11
3.6 PCV1-Cap间接ELISA方法的特异性试验结果 11
3.7 保存期实验 11
4 讨论 12
5 结论 13
参考文献 13
致 谢 15