来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636532 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636532
摘 要:卷叶蛾类是害苹果顶芽、嫩梢的重要害虫。2010年6月3号开始至8月23号期间在北京市昌平区王家园果园对卷叶蛾类害虫及其寄生性天敌的发生动态调查,探索适合该有机生态果园的生物防控对策。每两日在果园采集到的68个受害卷叶团放入用卫生纸和橡皮筋封住的塑料杯中室内饲养,每两天观察一次出蜂情况及羽化情况,记录采集时间和收集时间;鉴定卷叶蛾类害虫和寄生性昆虫种类。已知该果园上卷叶性蛾类5种,分属于两科。其中芽白小卷蛾(Spilonota lechriaspis Meyrick)为害较重,黄斑长翅卷蛾(Acleris fimbriana),南川卷蛾(Hoshinoa longicellana),棉褐带卷蛾(Adoxophyes orana orana ),黑星麦蛾(Telphuse chloroderces Meyrich)发生也很普遍。寄生性天敌中的梢蛾蠔姬蜂(Lycorina spilonotae Chao)为优势种。该园寄生性天敌对卷叶蛾类害虫的寄生率为31.8﹪。
Parasitic insects orchards foliaceous moth pests of parasitic dynamic investigation
Abstract:Foliaceous moth is against apple crown, tender tip of important pests. 2010 June 3 to 8 months 23 in changping district of Beijing during WangGiaYuan orchard foliaceous moth to the occurrence of pest and parasitoids dynamic investigation, exploration for the prevention and control of biological organic ecological orchard countermeasures. Every two days in orchard to collect 68 victims with foliaceous regiment in the toilet paper and rubber bands sealed plastic cup indoor breeding, watching a out of bees every two days, and then feathered record collection time and collecting time; Appraisal foliaceous moth pests and parasitic insects species. The known this orchard rollup leaves sex moth five points belong to two families. Spilonota lechriaspis Meyrick of harm is heavier, Acleris fimbriana,Hoshinoa longicellana, Adoxophyes orana orana , Telphuse chloroderces Meyrich is also common wheat moth happen. The parasitoids seeketh moth Lycorina spilonotae tsukihime bees (Lycorina spilonotae Chao) for the dominant species. Rare parasitic days hostile foliaceous moth pests parasitic rate for 31.8 ﹪.
Key words:Foliaceous moth, effect, biological control,organic apple orchard.

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 3
1.1卷叶蛾类害虫基本特性 3
1.2 国内外研究进展 3
1.3 存在的问题 3
1.4 研究思路与方法 3
2 材料与方法 4
2.1 调查地点 4
2.2 调查果树品种 4
2.3 调查方法 4
2.3.1 标本采集 4
2.3.2标本饲养 4
2.3.3标本收集和处理 4
2.3.4生物学特性观察 5
3 结果与分析 5
3.1卷叶蛾类害虫的种类及其生物学特性 5
3.1.1 芽白小卷蛾 6
3.1.2 黄斑长翅卷蛾 7
3.1.3 南川卷蛾 8
3.1.4 棉褐带卷蛾 10
3.1.5 黑星麦蛾 11
3.2卷叶蛾类害虫的发生动态及数量变化 12
3.3寄生性天敌的种类及其生物学特性 16
3.3.1 梢蛾壕姬蜂 16
3.3.2 螟蛉瘤姬蜂 17
3.3.3 寄生蝇 17
3.4寄生性天敌的发生动态及数量变化 17
4 结论与讨论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22