摘 要:湖南双季稻区春季低温发生倒春寒频率高,对早稻品种的生长造成严重影响。本试验对湘早籼17号、湘早籼45号、湘早籼6号、湘早籼143号、金优974号、金优402号、株两优819号、株两优90号、两优99号、陆两优996号、中嘉早17号11个品种进行筛选。室内培育调查其不同温度下发芽率、测定根长叶长等农艺性状并通过测定电导初步探讨其机理。筛选出湘早籼6号、金优402号、株两优819号、两优99号四种抗寒性较强品种,其他实验材料在低温条件下发芽率、农艺性状和电导率都比常温下要差。因此建议湘早籼6号、金优402号、株两优819号、两优99号播种于湘北等春季低温区,其他品种播种于春季温度较高地区。
Hunan cold hardiness of early rice variety selection and its mechanism
Abstract: Hunan ShuangJiDao area late spring chilling happen for early rice varieties of high frequency, caused serious influence of growth. This test for early long-grain non-glutinous rice xiang 17, 45, early long-grain non-glutinous rice xiang early long-grain non-glutinous rice xiang 6, early long-grain non-glutinous rice xiang 143 number, gold optimal 974 number, gold optimal 402 number, strains two optimal 819 number, strains two optimal 90 number, two optimal 99, land two optimal 996 number, early 17th in jia 11 varieties of screening screening. Indoor cultivate survey its different temperature measuring germination rate, root leaf length etc agronomic characters and discussed through determination. The mechanism conductance
Screened early long-grain non-glutinous rice xiang 6, gold optimal 402 number, strains two optimal 819 number, two optimal 99 four frost-resistant stronger varieties, other experiments materials in low temperature condition germination rate, agronomic characters and conductivity are poorer than under normal temperature. Therefore suggest early long-grain non-glutinous rice xiang 6, gold optimal 402Number, plant optimization 819 number, two two optimal 99 seeded in such XiangBei spring chilling area, other varieties of higher temperature region in the spring sowing.
Keywords: Frost-resistant; Germination rate; Conductivity screening

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 1
2 材料与方法 4
2.1 试验材料 4
2.1.1 早稻品种 4
2.1.2 仪器 4
2.2 试验方法 4
2.2.1 试验时间、地点 4
2.2.2 浸种 5
2.2.3 发育培养 5
2.2.4 发芽率测定 5
2.2.5 叶长和根长测定 5
2.2.6 电导率仪测电导率 5
2.3 统计分析 5
3 结果与分析 5
3.1发芽率情况 5
3.1.1 低温对早稻品种发芽率有明显影响 6
3.1.2 低温锻炼48h后恢复72h发芽率低于对照组 6
3.2农艺性状比较 7
3.2.1 低温锻炼48h后叶长、根长几乎为零 7
3.3电导率测定 7
4 结论与讨论 8
4.1 筛选结果 8
4.2 本研究创新点 8
4.3 讨论 8
参考文献 8
致谢 10