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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1637912 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637912

摘  要:近年来,由于菜青虫与小菜夜蛾抗药性的产生,化学药剂防治很难达到好的防治效果。本试验选用氟虫双酰胺与阿维菌素桶混防治菜青虫与小菜蛾,试验表明,氟虫双酰胺、阿维菌素及其混用对菜青虫、小菜蛾等害虫的速效性较差,但药后3d防效显著增加,药后7d防效达到最好,药后10d防效稍有下降。与对照药剂杀虫王相比,桶混在防治效果、持效性均极显著优于该对照。

Evaluation of Flubendiamide Tank Mixtures with Abamectin for Controlling Pieris rapae and Plutella xylostella
Abstract: In recent years, it was very diffcult to achieve good effect of insecticids on Pieris rapae and Plutella xylostella. due to their resistance to some insecticids. Flubendiamide tank mixtures with abamectin for controlling Pieris rapae and Plutella xylostella was conducted in vegetable land. The results showed that effect of flubendiamide, abamectin and tank mixtures on the two kinds of pests had less quick-acting before application, but after the 3rd day their efficacy were increased and reached the best on the 10th day. Contract to control insectcide Shachongwang, the tank mixture was better than control.
Key words: Flubendiamide; Abamectin ;Tank mixture; Pieris rapae ; Plutella xylostella

目    录
摘  要    1
关键词    1
1  前言    2
2  材料与方法    2
2.1 材料与试验地情况    2
2.1.1 供试材料    2
2.1.2 试验地基本情况    2
2.2  试验方法    3
2.2.1 试验处理:    3
2.2.2 施药日期、次数及方法    3
2.2.3药效调查    3
3  结果与分析    3
3.1 对菜青虫的田间防效    3
3.2 对小菜蛾的田间防效    4
3.3 对斜纹夜蛾的防效    5
4  结论    5
参考文献    6
致    谢    7
