摘 要
为了适应全球经济一体化的形势,运作全球范围的品牌,从2006年开始,海尔集团继名牌战略、多元化战略、国际化战略阶段之后,进入第四个发展战略创新阶段:全球化品牌战略阶段。 国际化战略和全球化品牌战略的区别是:国际化战略阶段是以中国为基地,向全世界辐射;全球化品牌战略则是在每一个国家的市场创造本土化的海尔品牌。 海尔实施全球化品牌战略要解决的问题是:提升产品的竞争力和企业运营的竞争力。与分供方、客户、用户都实现双赢利润。从单一文化转变到多元文化,实现持续发展。
Haier WuHan HGVS-SAP System MM Module Implement
In order to adapt to global economic integration situation, the operation of global brands, starting in 2006, Haier Group following the brand-name strategy, diversification strategy, the strategy of the international stage, entered the fourth stage of the development of innovative strategies: globalization phase of the brand strategy . International strategy and globalization is the difference between a brand strategy: international stage in China as a strategic base to the world radiation; globalization is the brand strategy in each country's market to create localization of Haier brand. Haier implementation of the globalization of the brand strategy to solve the problem is: enhancing the competitiveness of their products and the competitiveness of business operations. And the supply side, customers, users have to achieve a win-win profit. From a single culture change to cultural diversity and realizing sustainable development.
In order to with international practice and establish a highly efficient, rapid modern logistics system, Haier adopted the SAP's ERP system and BBP (raw materials on-line procurement system). The processes of enterprises. After nearly two years of implementation, Haier's modern logistics management system will not only enhance the good logistics efficiency, and Haier's e-commerce platform will be extended to include customers and suppliers, the entire supply chain management, Haier has greatly promoted the E-Commerce Development.
This paper describes the use of the SAP's Haier to provide the ERP system and BBP, set up their logistics management systems, so to optimize business processes and the purpose for enterprises to create more revenue.
Key words: SAP,Information technology,haier Logistics and recycling,Check invoices,stock management,purchase management,check stock,master data

目 录 12000字
任务书 I
摘 要 II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 合作背景 1
1.2 实施范围 2
1.3 业务提升 2
1.4 系统创新 3
第2章 关键技术介绍 4
2.1 SAP-MM物料管理技术介绍 4
2.1.1 采购 4
2.1.2 发票校验 5
2.1.3 库存管理 6
2.2 SAP-MM盘点简介 7
2.2.1 盘点的定义 7
2.2.2 海尔盘点业务解决方案 7
2.3 SAP-MM主数据 8
2.3.1 物料主数据 8
2.3.2 供应商主数据 9
第3章 海尔SAP-MM具体设计方案 11
3.1 MM组织架构设计 11
3.1.1 采购设计方案 11
3.1.2 原有采购组织迁移再造 13
3.2 业务分类及方案建议 15
3.2.1 情景分类解决 15
3.2.2 GO原材料库存及资产回归BU的方案 15
3.2.3 切换必须考虑的问题与风险 16
第4章 结 论 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 19