随着市场经济的发展以及与国际市场的接轨,目前很多企业都开始着眼于ERP软件,通过软件,结合新的管理思想,优化企业的人、财、物。目前市场上优秀个ERP管理软件众多,国内的软件诸如用友、金蝶,国外的软件有SAP、Oracle面对纷杂的产品,中小型贸易企业应选择适合自己企业的软件。Sap Business One是较为适合于中小型企业的ERP软件,特别是贸易型行业。本文将结合本科4年中所学的系统设计知识以及企业管理及物流的知识,以企业实习的实际项目为例,分析与设计一份适合于中小型贸易企业的解决方案。 通过数据库SQL Server 2005和Sap Business One实现各个功能。
关键词:ERP管理,Sap Business One,解决方案
SMEs as a market economy in the main body of the most active, regardless of their quantity, promoting market prosperity and innovation have a lot of highlights in it. However, the survival and development of SMEs in the present status quo, and transformed into the effect of large enterprises, or less. This is an industry-oriented policy, regional economic cooperation, to grasp the laws of their own industries, business strategies, have their own management problems.
With the development of market economy and the convergence with the international market, many enterprises have begun to focus on ERP software, software, integration of new management thinking, and optimize the enterprise, financial, and material. On the market a good many ERP management software, the domestic software such as UF, Kingdee, foreign software SAP, Oracle face Fenza products, small and medium-sized trading enterprises should choose their own business software. Sap Business One is more suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises in the ERP software, in particular the trade-type industries. This paper will combine four years of undergraduate study by the system design and knowledge of enterprise management and logistics knowledge to the real business internship project as an example, the analysis and design of a trade suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises solutions. Through the database SQL Server 2005 and Sap Business One to achieve the various functional.
Key words: ERP management, Sap Business One, solution
