来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632505 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632505
摘 要
SAP 的PP模块特有的与财务集成接口恰到好处的填补了这一空白,它可以精确的控制成本,通过MRP的运行,更加精确的计算出来生产一个产品所用到的所有部件以及所耗费的所有成本。因此在此论文中,我着重描出了MRP的含义、功能、影响的主数据这些基本要素。简单的介绍深圳信隆实业股份有限公司在这次SAP软件上线过程中遇到的问题。
The Implementation of HL SAP System PP Module On MRP
The leaders of 21 centuries must make an important plan. They have to choose and implement software called ERP. Obviously this investment is advantageous on all sides, either on operation and management nor products and services. However, owing to many managers lack of the necessary knowledge and experiences, they cannot make an appropriate plan in this part. So we should afford a condition to the leaders and technology managers which can help them to make the most excellent decision-making to assure the process of SAP implementing. In the back of industry and modern times, the enterprise is changing radically. On the 21 centuries, it will grow all the time. Meanwhile, to gain more and more profit the manufacture will put their emphases on the saving cost. So the enterprise becomes to think much of the controlling in the production. The more, the best. That can let them have an important role in the competitive industry. So the enterprise in 21 centuries needs an new basal structural to satisfy the agility and flexile society to live in the centry. For example, the software of SAP R/3 does include these advantages.
PP, one of the SAP's modules, can do it through its proper excellence integrating with the CO module. PP can control the cost exactly. For example, it can account the cost both of the components and the charge. So in this paper, I describe the meanings of MRP, the functions and the affected base data. At the same time I introduce the HL industry Ltd Corp. meet the matters in this actualization process.
Key words: SAP,PP,MRP,R/3
