来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632511 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632511
摘 要
Design and Implementation of the Shop Floor Control for HL SAP
The flow of PP:(According to the situation of HL Corp)Planned order-Production order-Availability checks-Order release-Order print-Material Staging(Pull and issue)-Order handling(Semi-finished and Finished goods)-Confrimation-Good receipt-Order Settlement-Archiving. The MES(Manufacturing Execution System)connected the planning information system and the information came from the shop. MES contained with the SFC, document management, production control, scrap, rework and external operation. SAP issues the real- information to the shop at the same time feeds the information back to the sales department and production department, which offered the real-time monitoring to the shop in order to ensure the real-time and closed-loop character. Once there is the wrong information we could obtain the data from the related program then correct them. In this function module there is the integration of the other modules especially the CO, SD, MM.
Key Words: SAP MES, Real-time information handling, closed-loop production flow, Shop Floor Control.

目 录 24000字
任务书 I
摘 要 II
目 录 IV
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 车间生产运作系统 2
2.1PP业务流程 2
2.2车间生产运作系统的含义 2
2.3车间生产运作系统的职能 3
2.4生产运作过程 4
2.5生产运作类型 5
2.6车间现场管理的定义 8
2.7车间生产运作管理的任务与目的 9
2.8车间生产运作管理的发展趋势 10
第3章 车间生产及时化管理作业 12
3.1生产作业控制的内容和程序 13
3.2生产进度控制 14
3.2.1投入进度控制 ...14
3.2.2出产进度控制 15
3.2.3生产订单 15
3.2.4工序进度控制 23
3.3在制品占用量的控制 24
3.3.1控制车间各个工序之间在制品的流转 24
3.3.2控制跨车间协作工序的在制品的流转 24
3.3.3 加强检查站对在制品流转的控制 25
第4章 供应链管理集成 27
4.1供应链管理 27
4.2与销售模块的集成 27
4.3与物料管理和采购模块的集成 28
4.4与财务模块的集成 29
4.5库存 29
第5章 结论 31
主要参考文献 32
致谢 32 |