摘 要
XX公司是一家专业从事国际贸易的企业,以电子系列产品及其配套件为主,产品销往全球各地。随着公司业务的高速发展,XX公司管理阶层已经意识到企业管理系统化、规范化尤为重要。但目前仍是手工记账,企业管理流程全部停留于手工作业,这已不能满足日益发展的企业业务管理需求。为适应市场变化,积极响应客户要求,加强内部管理,XX公司最终选择了SAP Business One 解决方案。
SAP Business One是 SAP 公司专门针对小型企业以及大企业分支机构设计的产品,它提供直观并能快速实施的解决方案,满足企业标准的业务需求以及持续发展的要求,帮助小型企业解决管理问题。SAP Business One 提供的业务功能覆盖了账务、销售、采购、库存、收付款、客户关系管理、生产装配和成本管理等小型企业管理方方面面的内容。企业的各种业务数据高度集成共享,避免重复投资信息化建设。
本文介绍了该公司在使用SAP Business One时的配置情况。根据公司具有大量重复繁琐的主数据的这一特点进行配置,更有效的完成了管理的要求。按照该公司提出的业务流程来控制,主要是针对销售、采购、库存、财务几个模块。并运用SQL Server 2000来编写报表的查询和警报,使其复杂的工作简单化。从而实现企业信息管理系统最大的作用,成为一套行之有效的实施方案。
关键词:C/S体系结构,SQL Server 2000,SDK,格式化搜索
Based on trading the implementation of SAP Business One
XX is a company specialized in international trade enterprises, electronic products and supporting of the main products sold around the world. With the rapid development of business, XX management of the companies have realized that systematic enterprise management, standardization is particularly important. But is still manual accounting, business management processes at all in the manual, which has been unable to meet the growing demand for enterprise business management. In order to meet market changes, positive response to customer demand, strengthening internal management, XX company ultimately chose SAP Business One solution.
SAP Business One is SAP company specifically for small businesses and large enterprises branch design of products, it can provide an intuitive and rapid implementation of solutions to meet the operational needs of enterprise standards and the requirements of sustainable development, help small businesses to solve management problems. SAP Business One to provide coverage of the business functions of the accounts, marketing, purchasing, inventory, payments, customer relationship management, assembly and production cost management, and other small businesses manage all aspects of the content. The various business enterprises highly integrated data sharing and avoid duplication of investment information construction.
This paper describes the company's use of SAP Business One in the configuration. According to the company with a lot of red tape to repeat the main characteristics of this data to configure and more effective management completed the requirements. According to the company's business processes to control, mainly for sales, procurement, inventory, financial several modules. And use SQL Server 2000 to prepare for the statements and warnings, to simplify the complex task.
Key words: C / S, SQL Server 2000, SDK, Formatted search

目 录 15000字
任务书 I
摘 要 II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 当代国际贸易的形式 1
1.2 贸易行业的信息化 2
第2章 ERP产品介绍 4
2.1 ERP内涵 4
2.2 ERP的发展 4
2.3 ERP产品介绍 5
2.4 SAP Business One功能概述 7
2.4.1系统简介与特点 7
2.4.2系统技术架构 8
2.4.3总体流程 10
第3章 系统设计目标 14
3.1 项目背景 14
3.2 系统实现的目标 14
3.2.1总体目标 14
3.2.2价值体现 15
3.3 项目功能要求 16
第4章 系统管理 18
4.1 流程图 18
4.2 综合管理 26
4.2.1客户管理 26
4.2.2机会管理 26
4.2.3 销售管理 26
4.2.4 采购管理 26
4.2.5 财务管理 27
4.3 审批与警报 27
4.3.1 审批 27
4.3.2警报 27
4.3.3 控管规则 27
4.4主数据管理 28
4.5单据管理 28
4.5.1 系统单证 28
4.5.2 系统打印单证 28
第5章 项目实施 30
5.1 财务实施 30
5.2 销售实施 32
5.3 采购实施 36
5.4 库存实施 36
第6章 SAP实施周期 38
6.1实施阶段 38
6.2实施周期 38
第7章 结 论 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 41 |