摘 要
随着信息技术在商业上越来越深入而广泛的应用,SAP系统的实施在技术上已逐渐成熟。信息化带来的最为直观、也是最有说服力的经济效果,是它对国民经济的发展起到了举足轻重的推动作用。今年来,管理信息化取得一定进展。国内多数企业在单项业务方面已实现了计算机管理,如办公、财务、人事、库存等都建立了自己的计算机管理信息系统,相当一部分企业已开始应用 SAP/ERP软件。
实施ERP,实施信息化,可以提升企业的规范化管理水平。没有系统,你会发现企业现场管理非常混乱,单据满天飞,有了系统,大家在计算机平台上统一操作,按照统一的流程规范化管理,效率自然大幅度提升。 多数企业认为,在成功实施ERP后,最为显著的好处是带来直接的经济效益的提高,其次是管理的标准化、规范化,然后是行业竞争力的提高。另外,它还对企业形象改善、管理思维提升、员工积极性的激励方面都有所帮助。
关键词: ERP,SAP,企业实施软件,系统实施,流程优化
As the information technology is more and more applicated deeply and extensively in commercially, the implementation of SAP system has been already ripe. What the informationization brings the most ocular, also the most convincing economic result ,is that it plays a very important role in the development of national economy. This year, management informationization makes surely progress. Most domestic enterprises have already realized computer's managing in business of individual events; have set up their own computer management information system in official working, financial affairs, personnel, stock, etc. Quite a few of enterprises have already begun to employ SAP/ERP software.
In the whole course of implementing R/3, the street map is five steps, including the project is prepared, business blueprint, realizing course, prepares finally, and reaches the standard grade and technical support. The concrete groundwork content for each stage is roughly as follows, the project is prepared: Set up the project to organize; Establish the schedule of the project; Network environment and hardware are prepared; The project is started; Business blueprint: Procedure current situation analysis of the business (the institutional framework, procedure); The business procedure is confirmed (the institutional framework, procedure) in the future; Confirm the file standard of the project; SAP system installation; Approval business blueprints of administration and supervision authorities; The system is basically disposed; Procedure test; System testing is fixed and improved; Set up user's authority and mechanism of management of system; Prepare to the end user and train; Prepare finally: The end user is trained; Planning to reach the standard grade and plan to design of initial data; Reach the standard grade with technical support: The system reaches the standard grade; Incessant support; Assess and retrospect in project.
ERP is not a simple IT system, but needing to suit enterprises' development plan, after carrying on the overall assessment make science, complete, effective implementing scheme to supervise project implementation.
Implement ERP, implement the informationization, can promote the standardized management levels of enterprises. Without system, you will find enterprises very confused in on-the-spot management, the document exists everywhere, there are systems, everybody operates on the computer platform in unison, according to unified procedure standardized management, efficiency is promoted by a large margin naturally. Most enterprises think, after succeeding in implementing ERP, the most prominent advantage is to bring the improvement of the direct economic benefits, secondly it is standardization of management, then the improvement of the trade competitiveness. In addition, it still improves, manages to the corporate image thinking promotes, the encouragement of staff's enthusiasm is helpful.
Key words: ERP,SAP, Enterprises implement the software, The system is implemented, The procedure is optimism.

目 录 14000字
任务书 I
摘 要 II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 背景资料 1
1.1.1 用户简介 2
1.1.2 SAP R/3软件简介 3
1.2 项目总体目标 4
第2章 项目实施流程 6
2.1 项目准备 6
2.2 设计蓝图 6
2.3 实施 6
2.4 准备上线 6
2.5 系统切换 7
第3章 MM模块库存与采购业务流程 8
3.1 物料管理主要功能和特点 8
3.1.1 物料管理(MM)主要目标 8
3.1.2 采购 9
3.1.3 库房管理 9
3.2 物料管理业务涉及的企业结构 10
3.3 物料管理业务涉及的主数据 10
3.4 基本采购业务流程概述 12
3.5 MM模块与其他模块的集成 18
第4章 结 论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22