摘 要:随着中国出口产品在国际市场所占份额越来越大,不仅欧美等发达国家对我出口产品频频发难,一些发展中国家对中国产品的反倾销事件也越来越多。2010年第一季度,中国出口商品更是成为了全球贸易保护主义的首要受害国。本次论文主要研究中国出口商品频遭国外反倾销调查的原因及对策。从我国目前的各行业遭到反倾销调查的产品情况开始分析,再根据各种不同的情况进行解析,得出能够应对频繁反倾销调查的对策研究。
The Cause and Countermeasure of Repeated Anti-Dumping Investigation in China’s Export Commodities.
Abstract: In the situation of increasing share of China export products in International market, China export products has been frequently risen in revolt by Occident, and there are more and more anti-dumping issues happening toward them. In the first quarter of 2010, China has become the main injured state caused by global trade protectionism. The thesis mainly research on the cause and strategy of frequently anti-dumping happenings of China export products: first analyze the situation of category of products that suffered from anti-dumping investigation, and then obtain the strategy of overcoming frequent anti-dumping investigation in different cases. Key word: Anti-dumping; Export products; Trade protection;
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