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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635163 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635163

摘  要:改革开放以来,在高新技术产品研究领域,中国政府实施了一系列政策和措施,并取得了卓越成就,使得高新技术产业在对外贸易中地位与作用日益突出。中国对外贸易大幅增长又在很大程度上依赖于高新技术产品的出口,加快高新技术产品的出口将会是今后我国对外贸易工作中的重点。我国作为发展中的国家,实践表明,只有通过出口贸易结构的优化和升级,才能在激烈的国际竞争市场中获胜。所以,增强我国高新技术产品的科技含量是我国成为贸易强国的必由之路。
关键词:高新技术 ;出口现状; 对策

China's High-tech Products Export Actuality and Its Development Strategy
Abstract: Since reform and opening, in the field of high-tech products, the Chinese government implemented a series of policies and measures, and made outstanding achievements in making high-tech industries in foreign trade status with the increasingly prominent role. China's foreign trade expanded significantly and largely dependent on the export of high-tech products, to accelerate the export of high-tech products will be the focus of foreign trade in China in the future. China is a developing country, proved that only through the export trade structure optimization and upgrading, to the fierce international competition to win the market.. Therefore, enhancing the technological content of high-tech products in China is the only way for China as a trade power.
Keywords: High-tech; Export Status Quo; Strat
