来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635177 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635177
摘 要:我国加入WTO后,与世界各国经济交往变得非常密切,全球在一个共同体中求发展已是不可逆转的潮流。近些年来,我国经济的发展很明显的体现在了人们对汽车的需求上,这为巨大的汽车市场创造了一个必不可少的条件。这种巨大的市场吸引了众多的外资汽车企业来华进行经营、投资等战略,从各个层面融入到了我国的汽车市场。本文对外资汽车企业在华经营战略进行了分析,对其劣势与威胁进行了很好的反思,并提出相关的的对策,对我国汽车企业增强国际竞争力和走出去有很好的借鉴。
The study on operating strategy of foreign automakers in China-putting Volkswagen as a case
Abstract: With the Accession to WTO,China’s economy becomes very intimate with all the countries in the world.Globalization is irreversible in recent years.The development of our economy are embodied in people’s demand of cars, which have created a necessary condition for huge auto market.This huge market has attracted many foreign car enterprises operating in China, investment and other strategies entering into China's car market in every conceivable.This paper analyzes that foreign car enterprises operation strategy in China.And have a deep reflection on its weaknesses and threats, then make some countermeasures, its make a good reference for enhancing our international competitiveness and going out.
Key words: Foreign Automakers; Operating Strategy; Volkswagen