来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635153 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635153
摘 要:饮料行业是中国对外开放最早的行业之一,也是跨国公司在华并购进行的如火如荼的一个行业。经过20多年的国内外企业的共同努力,饮料行业取得了显著的发展。但是,外国饮料企业在华经营的过程中,由于战略目标不同、文化差异和政府干预等因素,碰到了种种问题。本文通过对饮料市场的分析,揭示了外国饮料企业在华经营的问题,提出外国饮料企业在中国的经营对策。
The Study on the Operating Strategy of Foreign Beverage Corporation in China
Abstract:The beverage industry is one of the earliest industries opened to the outside world, and the cross-border M&A are also very popular nowadays. After more than 20years’ development, the beverage industry achieved significant development. However, because of the different of strategic objectives, culture and government intervention factors, the foreign drink companies ran into problems in the development of China. Based on the analysis of the beverage market, revealing foreign drink companies operating in China, and puts forward the problems in China's foreign beverage enterprise management countermeasures.
Key words:Beverage Industry; Brand; Marketing Strategy ;Cross-border M&A