来源 资料编号:WK1635157 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635157
摘 要:上世纪90年代以来,在全球范围内的产业升级、结构调整和放松管制、一体化浪潮等外在因素的推动下,全球并购规模和数量一直呈现不断上升的趋势。而随着汽车的普及程度的提高,汽车产业也以高速之势开始不断的发展壮大起来。而这其中中国汽车产业更是以后起之秀的姿态屡创新高,2009、2010年连续两年超过美国成为第一大汽车产销国,稳坐全球销量第一的位置。本文则主要从机遇与风险两个角度来研究中国汽车产业的海外并购,通过列举实例来分析这一现象,并提出多项建议。把握住机遇的同时,做好充分的准备,那么中国汽车产业在并购中就能规避风险,让机遇成为实际利益。
Study on Opportunity and Risks of China's Auto overseas Merger and Acquisiton
Abstract: Since the 1990s, the size and number of global M&A has been showing a rising trend driven by external factors such as the global industrial upgrading, restructuring and deregulation, integration of wave. With the increased popularity of motor vehicles, automotive industry also began to trend at high speed in the development and growth. Especially the auto industry of China, showing a rising star attitude and created more record highs, more than two consecutive years as the country's largest automobile production and sales over United States, maintaining the first position of the global sales in 2009 and 2010.This paper studies the Chinese automotive industry’s M&A mainly on two aspects which are opportunities and risks, analyzes this phenomenon by listing examples, and also gives a number of advices. To seize the opportunities and meanwhile make a full preparation, then the Chinese automotive industry could avoid risks in M&A, turns the opportunities into actual benefits.
Key words: Overseas M&A;Chinese automotive industry;Opportunities;Risks