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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635173 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635173

摘 要:随着中国经济的快速发展,外商直接投资与环境恶化指标的同步增长促使人们考虑两者之间的相关性,在理论上进行探讨,在实践中也需要正确的政策设计来解决相关问题。从实践上讲,认清外商直接投资与环境之间的关系,对促进我国国民经济健康、快速和稳定的发展,对实现环境友好型和资源节约型发展模式的重大转变,使国民经济走上一条可持续发展发展之路具有重大的实践意义。在理论上探讨外商直接投资与环境问题,对丰富和完善国际经济学和国民经济学的相关内容具有重要意义。目前有关外商直接投资与环境之间的研究仍然存在很多空白,在研究对象、研究工具和方法的选择上仍有很多不确定之处。次之,对外商直接投资与环境问题进行研究,需要综合借鉴国际经济学、环境经济学、规制经济学等学科的理论知识,需要在可持续发展的大框架对该问题进行深入思考,才能提出科学可行的政策建议。本文将首先将叙述在华FDI在我国的发展现状,然后从正反两方面来分析在华FDI对我国环境的利弊影响,接着是正反两方面的案例分析,最后提出一些认为可行的政策。

Study of The Relationship between FDI in China and Chinese Environment pollution
Abstract:With China's rapid economic development, foreign direct investment and environmental degradation indicators prompted people to consider the simultaneous growth of the correlation between the two, to explore, in theory, in practice, also need the right policies designed to address related issues. From a practical perspective, recognize the foreign direct investment and the relationship between the environment, to promote the health of our national economy, rapid and stable development, implementation and resource-saving and environment-friendly development model of the major changes in the national economy onto a sustainable development path is of great practical significance. In the theory of the foreign direct investment and environmental issues, to enrich and improve the international economics and political economy of the relevant content is important. First, the current foreign direct investment and the environment there are still many gaps in the research, the research object, the choice of tools and methods, there are still many uncertain place. Second, foreign direct investment and environment research, a comprehensive reference to international economics, environmental economics, regulatory economics and other disciplines of theoretical knowledge, you need the broad framework of sustainable development to ponder the issue, before we can make scientific and practical policy recommendations. This article first describes the development of China's FDI situation in China and then to analyze the pros and cons of FDI in China, the pros and cons of the impact of the environment, then both positive and negative case analysis, and finally put forward some feasible policies considered.
Key words:Foreign direct investment environment in China;Environmental degradation;Pollution;Pollution-intensive industries;

