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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638038 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638038

摘   要
自加入WTO以来,中国出口的产品遭受别国反倾销次数越来越多。我国鞋类产品出口比重较大,并成为了反倾销的目标。在我国的鞋产品中,属温州对外出口量最多。近几年来,温州鞋遭他国排斥的事件几乎年年都有。为何温州鞋会成为别国反倾销的焦点? 论文分析了温州鞋业遭受反倾销的现状,并对温州鞋业遭受反倾销的主要原因及次要原因进行分析,最后提出了一些有效的应对措施。
【关键词】温州鞋业  反倾销   政府   温州鞋企

After being a member of WTO, the frequency of export Chinese products suffering anti-dumping is increasing. The shoe product is the important component of our all export products and becomes the target of anti-dumping. Most of our export shoe products are made in Wenzhou. In these years, those Wenzhou-made shoes suffering the resistance of other countries happens nearly every year. Why have Wenzhou-made shoes become the focal point of anti-dumping?
The paper analyzes the present situation and the main and secondary reasons that the Wenzhou-made shoes suffered anti-dumping. At the end, it gives some effective measures to deal with anti-dumping.
【Key Words】Wenzhou shoe industry; Anti-dumping; The Government; Wenzhou Shoemakers

目      录
1  温州鞋业遭受反倾销的现状    2
1.1温州鞋业的现状分析    2
1.2 温州鞋业遭受反倾销的现状    3
2.温州鞋业遭受反倾销的直接原因分析    3
2.1客观原因    3
2.2主观原因    6
3 温州鞋业频繁遭受发倾销的间接原因分析    8
3.1主观方面    8
3.2 客观方面    9
4.温州鞋业应对反倾销的对策    10
4.1 宏观方面    10
4.2微观方面    11
参考文献    15
致谢    16
