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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638046 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638046

摘  要

【关键词】跨国公司  并购  投资  垄断 

Since the late 1980s of the 20th century, transnational merger and acquisition has become a world trend and major FDI means of transnational corporations. With the continuous increase competition among transnational corporations, the market of China, which has great potentialities and upgraded market levels, has become the main areas of transnational corporations.
  Since 1990s of the 20th century, the behavior of foreign capital’s Merger and Acquisition has been a new aspect of transnational corporations’ activity in China. Especially after the accession to the World Trade Organization, China’s economy has become increasingly integrated into the world market, which accelerates the pace of mergers and acquisitions of transnational corporations in China. However, as China is now in a transition period, there are many problems in transnational mergers and acquisitions. In view to this, first this paper analyzes from the angle of transnational corporations Merger and Acquisition situation in China, and then this paper analyzes the main problems in the process of acquisition and further analysis of the root causes of these problems. Finally, we propose to address the problems of transnational mergers and acquisitions for guidance and how to make use of them to help promote China's economic development.

【key words】Transnational Corporations; M&A; investment; monopoly

  本文拟定先从跨国公司在华并购的现状出发,并根据其现状来分析跨国公司在我国并购投资中存在的主要问题,如;有关法律法规不完善,行业安全问题 ,国有资产流失问题,外资并购缺乏效率。并计划再进一步研究产生这些问题的根源,如;我国外资并购立法存在缺陷造成我国有关法律法规的不完善,跨国并购投资后可能形成的行业垄断危及我国行业安全,我国对国有资产的保护不力使得国有资产流失,还有我国因缺乏富有跨国投资经验的中介机构造成外资并购缺乏效率。最后计划根据前面所分析的问题的根源提出通过完善有关的法律法规,加强对跨国公司在华并购的宏观引导,防范外资并购中的国有资产流失,以及不断完善中介服务体系来吸引外资等措施来解决跨国公司在华并购投资中的主要问题来对跨国公司进行引导和利用使其更能促进我国经济的发展

1  跨国公司在华并购投资现状    2
1.1跨国公司在华并购的主要类型和方式    2
1.2跨国公司在华并购投资的行业分布    3
2  跨国公司在华并购投资中存在的主要问题    3
2.1有关法律法规不完善    3
2.2行业安全问题    4
2.3国有资产流失问题    4
2.4外资并购缺乏效率    4
3 跨国公司在华并购投资中存在的问题的根源    5
3.1外资并购立法存在缺陷    5
3.2跨国并购投资后可能形成的行业垄断    5
3.3国有资产的保护不力    6
3.4缺乏富有跨国投资经验的中介机构    7
4  如何加强对跨国公司并购投资的引导和利用    7
4.1完善有关法律法规    7
4.2加强对跨国并购的宏观引导    8
4.3防范外资并购中国有资产流失    9
4.4通过不断完善中介服务体系来吸引外资    9
参考文献    11
致谢    12
