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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638051 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638051

摘   要

【关键词】 旅行社企业  核心竞争力  培育

For many years, Jiangxi's travel agencies, which were in situation of disorder and confusion in competitive market,were small, weak and scattered. Judging from the current situation, travel agencies are seriously short of core competitiveness in Jiangxi. The roots of these facts are studiously analyzed in this paper. In view of such realities, travel agencies want to cultivate their core competitiveness with the assistants of materials of travel agencies in Jiangxi. They have to strengthen their internal resources and set up learning teams which have optimal work performance. Also, the travel agencies have to make rules of the game for travel market and take the initiative power. When taking “integrity first, service-orientated” as concept of administration,and establishing a “red culture tourism ” product portfolio, they should form systems of technology and distribution management.
The tourism industry has increasingly become mature and created many professional, standardized and humanized team workers. Therefore, travel agencies have to constantly cultivate their own core competitiveness, which is the key to success in this industry.

【Key Words】Travel Agencies;Core Competitiveness;Cultivation

1  企业核心竞争力的基本概念    2
1.1 企业核心竞争力的内涵    2
1.2 企业核心竞争力的意义    2
2  江西旅行社企业缺乏核心竞争力的几个表现    3
2.1  旅行社企业缺乏诚信理念    4
2.2 旅行社企业的团队效率低    4
2.3  旅行社企业的经营缺乏战略定位    4
2.4  旅行社企业的文化建设流于形式    5
3  江西旅行社企业缺乏核心竞争力的根源分析    5
3.1 旅行社企业的专业化水平低    5
3.2  旅行社企业没有形成产品创新机制    6
3.3  旅行社企业的人力资源管理体系不健全    6
4  江西旅行社企业核心竞争力的培育    6
4.1 企业内部建立信誉评级制度    7
4.2  打造学习型团队,追求团队绩效最优    7
4.3  提高旅行社企业的专业化水平    8
4.4  建立旅游产品、技术、管理创新机制    8
4.5 旅行社企业的诚信文化    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
