主页 > 经济学 > 国际贸易 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638060 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638060

摘   要

【关键词】 民族汽车企业 国际化经营 对外直接投资

Since entering WTO, our national auto industry is developing rapidly. The statistics, from important departments or institutions, indicate that the total output of automobile in 2000 have broken through 20 million, and then in less then ten years the output and the sale of automobile of our country both broke through 72 million in 2006. Meanwhile, all the Multinational Corporations of Automobile have spent great passion and energy on Chinese automobile market, by either making cooperation on joint venture project or accelerating the developing speed of the projects or expanding the arrangements of cooperation. Consequently, the automobile magnates in international auto market, especially the group named “6+3”, have entered the Chinese market and accomplished the layout of localization.
So when facing the gradually mature domestic auto market and the cut-throat competition which is taken by international auto magnates, what should the national auto enterprises to do?
   In order to solve the problem mentioned above, this paper firstly makes a comprehensive expatiation about the enterprise arrangement of internationalization in theory, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the national auto enterprises after discussing the current situation of internationalized operation made by our national auto enterprises. At last, according the principle that theory should contract the practice, the author then make several pieces of advices.

【key words】National automaker  Internationalized operation  Foreign direct investment

目  录
1  文献综述    2
1.1企业国际化经营理论    2
1.2 发展中国家对外直接投资理论    4
2、我国民族汽车企业国际化经营现状    5
2.1民族汽车企业海外经营主体    5
2.2 民族汽车企业海外经营方式    6
2.3民族汽车企业海外经营区域    6
2.4民族汽车企业海外经营业绩    7
3、我国汽车企业国际化经营优劣势分析    7
3.1我国汽车企业国际化经营的优势    8
3.2 我国汽车企业国际化经营的劣势    10
4、提高我国汽车企业海外经营水平的思考    14
4.1引进技术与自主开发相结合,提高汽车企业技术水平    14
4.2 借鉴国外先进经验,扩大企业规模进行国际化经营    15
4.3 提高品牌意识,加强自主品牌建设    17
4.4 加快人才队伍建设,为国际化经营提供人力资源支持    18
5 结语    18
参考文献    19
致  谢    20
