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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638063 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638063

摘     要

【关键词】转基因产品   国际贸易   贸易政策

As an output of latest agricultural bio-technologies, genetically-modified products have been controversial. Some people compare them to the angel, some people reduce them to the devil. Actually, the development of genetically-modified products is a double-edged sword: On the one hand, it contributes to the enhancement of the world crop yield, as well as the quality, and reduction of chemical fertilizer and the pesticide use, helps solution of the famine and undernourishment in developing countries. Besides, it also promotes the development of certain related industries like pharmaceutical and chemical industries; On the other hand, it also brings the unprecedented threat for human beings. We are unaware of the potential effects in human bodies, or any unknown injury to the next generation, caused by genetic modification. Nor can we forecast what kind of influence to the extant gene will emerge. At present, effects caused by genetically-modified products on environment as well as food safety are not concluded yet, so consumers and policy-makers in many countries have to put careful consideration. Trade dispute on genetically-modified products arised between European Union and US is a typical discrepancy in attitude. This article tries to give some suggestions on enaction of  policies of genetically-modified product for China, a developing country short of food potentially base on analysis of the dispute and trade policies of the both parties.

【Key Words】Genetically-modified Products   International Trade   Trade Policy

目    录
1  转基因产品的现状及相关协定    2
1.1转基因产品的种植现状    2
1.2 转基因产品的贸易现状    3
1.3有关转基因产品国际贸易的协定    4
2  转基因产品的贸易争端及其原因    6
2.1转基因产品贸易争端现状    6
2.2 引起转基因贸易争端的原因    7
3  美国、欧盟转基因政策之比较    8
3.1原则性政策上的差异    8
3.2 审批许可制度上的差异    9
3.3 管理法规上的差异    10
3.4  标识制度上的差异    11
4  对我国转基因产业的几点启示    11
4.1我国现阶段转基因产业的政策和发展状况    11
4.2 对我国转基因产品政策的几点启示    13
参考文献    17
致谢    18
