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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638165 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638165

摘   要
[关键词] 跨国公司;人才本土化;中国企业

The swiftly developed economical globalization urges the multinational corporations (MNCs) to carry out diverting and innovating the investment strategic one after another, positively practice the localization strategy. The localization strategy has become one of essential strategies MNCs implement globalization strategy, and become one of the present main tendency MNCs develop. With the continual stable growth of the China economy and the improvement of the investment environment, MNCs rapidly launch the large-scale systematized investment to China.
The thesis closely grasps the time background ---the economical global, synthetically utilizes the MNCs theory, the strategic theory and the enterprise management theory, based on the facts and date, to do the research on the MNCs’human’s localization strategy in the World. And it provides the theoretica and practice guide to the Chinese government’s macroscopic decision and to our enterprises how to invest as well as the Chinese enterprises go out to invest overseas to refer. The thesis, including the introduction, consists of four parts. Firstly, introduce the necessity of multinational corporation localization. Then elaborated the human’s localization strategies that current multinational corporation implement in China. Finally, it analyze the influence which is made by Multinational Corporation’s localization strategy in China and our corresponsive measures.Finally, the thesis summarizes the profound influence of the MNCs’human’s localization in the world, proposes the countermeasure and suggestion, and discusses the enlightenment the MNCS’human’s localization in China brings in.

[Key Words]   multinational corporations(MNCs);   Human’s localization; the corporations of China

目   录 
引言    2
1 跨国公司人才本土化的现状及必要性    2
1.1跨国公司人才本土化的现状    3
1.2跨国公司在华实施人才本土化战略的必要性    4
2 当前跨国公司在华实施的人才本土化战略    6
2.1聘用本土员工    6
2.2开设研究院    7
2.3设立培训中心    7
2.4争夺人才幼苗    7
2.5通过并购求才    8
3 跨国公司在在华人才本土化战略对中国的影响    9
3.1人才本土化战略对我国经济和人才发展的积极影响    9
3.2人才本土化战略对我国经济和人才发展的消极影响    9
4 应对跨国公司在华人才本土化的策略    10
4.1建立人力资本开发机制    10
4.2完善人才市场机制    10
4.3强化人才激励和培养机制    11
4.4建立人才安全机制    11
4.5建立政府对人才本土化需求的政策引导机制    11
结束语    11
参考文献    12
致   谢    13
