主页 > 经济学 > 国际贸易 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638185 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638185

摘   要

【关键词】绿色食品  比较优势 竞争优势  绿色壁垒 对策

The high tariff duties of every country in the world have been weakened greatly while China entered WTO successfully. Market internationalization has become an irresistible general trend. For green food, the international market capacity has been expanded, but it does not mean that the products have had a good market opportunity. The green barriers have been the important factor that influences the green food exportation from China.
I adopted the theory of international trade and marketing, environment and trade-related knowledge learning ,and the paper is based on the Guangdong green food development studies that illustrate the Guangdong Provincial Green Food Development and problems .This paper mainly from the following aspects: The first part is related to the concept of the presentation and export trade theory . the  second part is the analysis of advantage of the green food and the problems . Finally, there are some suggestions on the development of the province's green food.

【Key Words】 green-food;comparative advantage ;competitive advantage
Green-Barrier ;Countermeasure

目  录
引言    2
1 有关概念    2
1.1绿色食品相关概念    2
1.2 有机食品    3
1.3 无公害农产品    4
1.4 绿色壁垒    4
2 竞争理论分析                                                              
2.1比较优势理论    6
2.2竞争优势理论    7
2.3小结    8
3 广东省绿色食品竞争力及发展中存在的问题    8
3.1广东省绿色食品的竞争力    8
3.2绿色食品发展中出现的问题    12
4发展策略    14
4.1 重质量 树品牌    14
4.2 加快科技创新 形成产业集群    15
参考文献    17
致   谢    18
