来源 资料编号:WK1638289 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638289
摘 要
【关键词】 自主创新 FDI 民族自主品牌轿车
In recent years, the quantity and quality of Chinese national car’s production has been increasing constantly. The increasing of Chinese national car’s production is more than the market demanding. And the market is more and more sensive about the price. The amount of new Chinese national car’s enterprises is growing and growing. The war of price in Chinese national car’s competition will become more and more intensely and brutal. In such a situation, every enterprise has focused on the type of national car,so that they could use the unsalted feeling of new things to arouse the consumer’s passion.
The world automobile industry is the first to be affected with the tendency of integrated in global economy. So Chinese national car industry will face huge challenge and perfect opportunity at the same time. Where is the destination of the Chinese national car industry?
This thesis attempts to analyze the tactic of trademark and some knowledge about FDI to find the deficiency of tactic in making the enterprise’s own trademark in Chinese national car industry, and the use of the overflow efficiency of FDI in this tactic. Then probe a way to change the production enterprise into the creation enterprise of Chinese national car industry.
【Key Words】 Independent Innovation Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) Chinese national Independent Brand car
目 录
1.导论 2
1.1 相关概念界定 2
1.2相关文献综述 2
1.3选题意义及背景 3
1.4本文的写作思路 4
2. FDI技术溢出现象对企业从制造到创新中作用的一般性分析 4
2.1 FDI技术溢出效应 4
2.2 从制造到创新的一般性分析 5
3.中国轿车品牌的发展历程 6
3.1 1956-1978中国自主品牌轿车的萌芽 6
3.2 1979-1985外资的冲击中国自主品牌轿车遭遇挑战 7
3.3 1986-1996中国自主品牌轿车新的开始 7
3.4 1996-2000 亚太金融危机的冲击 7
3.5 2000-现在 中国自主品牌轿车走向繁荣 8
4.中国自主品牌轿车面临的主要问题 9
4.1 中国自主品牌轿车面临的问题 9
4.2 错误的FDI策略 10
5.中国轿车制造业的主要对策 11
5.1 加强品牌战略 11
5.2 合理利用FDI 12
6. 结语 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15 |