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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634782 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634782

摘  要:中小超市的战略定位的选择问题已成为学术界,工商企业界都十分关注的决策性问题。以中小超市的战略定位为基础的各类关于营销策略选择及评价等课题的探讨也越来越多。不论是各方学者或者企业管理者对于中小型超市的战略定位的决定性作用在超市的日常运作、销售中所扮演角色的重要性已经达成共识,所以,中小超市战略定位的选择对于中小超市的经营和发展极其重要。本文从国内外学者对中小超市的现状研究出发,主要分析了我国中小超市的特点和发展现状、利用SWOT方法来对我国中小超市进行战略定位以及分析我国中小超市的战略发展方向。

Strategic Positioning of Small and Medium Supermarkets
Abstract: The choice of strategic positioning of small and medium supermarket had became a decision-making problem which the academic, industrial and commercial enterprises were concerned about. the decision-making problems.There were more and more discussion on marketing topics such as selection evaluation based on strategic positioning of small and medium supmarkets.Both scholars and managers think that the decisive function about the daily operation and sale of small and medium supermarkets strategic positioning was important,so it was crucial for small and medium supermakets to position themselves on a strategic basic.Based on the characters of small and medium supermarkets,Using the SWOT Method,this essay will try to analyse the problem of strategic position for small and medium supermarkets in China.
Key words: Strategic Positioning;Cost Leadership Strategy; Differentiation Strategy; Brand Positioning Strategy;SWOT Analysis

