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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635020 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635020

关键词: TPM,设备维护,自主保全

Hydropower is clean energy, renewable, non-polluting, low operating costs, facilitate the electricity peak load regulation, will help improve resource utilization and economic and social benefits. Earth's conventional energy in the increasingly tense situation, all countries in the world in general priority to the development of hydropower use of water resources. As China's socialist market economy and the rapid development of power industry reform continued to deepen, the original water plant, equipped with their own maintenance teams scattered overhaul management model no longer suited to the requirements under the new situation, some of the new hydropower plant, is no longer with Maintenance of professional teams, and this new equipment for the overhaul of management theory put forward demands. This article focuses on the hydropower enterprises in the self-protection equipment management system of research and exploration.
This paper reviews the TPM process of development and theoretical system and leads to self-management concept, design a set of self-management system, with video in the background, plant and the actual requirements of video equipment, plant management ideas put forward some views, Ying power plant in the first phase of the programme planning and implementation of TPM, summed up the achievements and experience.
Keywords:TPM, equipment management,Self-preservation
全面生产维护,又简称全员生产保全(Total Productive Maintenance, TPM)活动是一种来源于生产现场的改善活动。本文从TPM的一个方面初步探索适合我国企业实情的TPM方案规划和设计,而PTM的先进理论正是可以帮助我们解决企业的设备管理问题。使企业的设备经常处于完好可用的技术状态,以达到最大限度地发挥设备的综合效能。


目录   20000字
摘要    II
Abstract    2
1  绪论    4
1.1 论文的研究背景    4
1.2 论文的研究意义与研究内容    1
2  TPM全员生产保全理论概述    1
2.1 TPM活动的起源与发展    1
2.2 TPM理论概述    3
2.3 TPM国内外研究现状及发展趋势    5
2.3.1日本方面    5
2.3.2欧美    6
2.3.3国内的共识    7
3、自主保全体系设计    7
3.1 实施自主保全体系的准备工作    7
3.2 自主保全五步法的实施过程    8
3.2.1 初期清扫的实施    8
3.2.2 发生源和难点问题的对策    9
3.2.3 总点检的实施    10
3.2.4 如何提高点检效率    11
3.2.5 自主保全体系的建立    11
3.3 建立自主保全体系的基础和意义    11
4  案例分析—映电总厂自主保全管理体系设计及应用    12
4.1 映点总厂背景及管理现    12
4.1.1 映点总厂背景    12
4.1.2 映点总厂发电部管理现状    13
4.2 发电部基于TPM的管理体系的设计与应用    16
4.2.1 TPM活动在映电总厂发电部的启动    16
4.2.2  自主保全和提案活动在映电总厂发电部电站的开展    17
4.2.3 自主保全和提案活动的实施方式    17
4.2.4 自主保全和提案活动的实施步骤    19
4.3 发电部TPM活动实施效果分析    26
5  结论    27
6 感谢    28
参考文献    29
文献    29
